Read & Write Mystery Stories for Free




June 15th, 2024 by Sony
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I just, smoke

I don’t bitch around

Or tell lies

I never said

That I am wise

I don’t break homes

No, that’s not my style

I have never been loved

But it's alright

I am not pretty

I am not special

I don’t even speak my mind

Interference in others' life

For me, it’s a waste of time

I don’t argue or

Peace be with you

Silence is what I like

I just, smoke

And in every puff tears I hide.


mans first love

how we know love

February 23rd, 2024 by ali
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Once upon a time, a shy boy was born, bringing immense joy to his family and neighbours . Little did they know, the boy grew up facing challenges with communication. However, even when he couldn't speak much, a divine system ensured he received help, guiding him through his early years. By the age of two, the boy began to talk properly, finding solace and
comfort in his mother's presence. She was his world, his source of peace and security. He felt incomplete without her, deeply affected by her occasional scolding. This connection solidified the boy's understanding of love, its purity, value, and trust. He saw his mother as his guardian, entrusted by a benevolent God to nurture him and guide his emotional devel...

Unseen Ghosts

Among them was A ...

February 2nd, 2024 by Aydasara
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It began with whispers in the corridors of power, rumors of austerity measures looming on the horizon. Soon, those whispers turned to harsh decrees as the government tightened its grip on the nation's finances. The impact rippled outward, reaching even the remote corners.

Houses that had once been filled with laughter and warmth now stood as hollow
shells, their windows boarded up against the encroaching darkness. The factories that had once churned out goods and prosperity now lay silent and abandoned.

But amidst the desolation, there remained a flicker of life. The town's aging population, those who had weathered many storms and refused to be driven from their homes, still walked the streets. They were ...


An MHA story

January 2nd, 2023 by Purple
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*this chapter is about Deku being on a male version of a women’s cycle called heat. It may contain cuss words, violence, and may be a little cringe (sorry). Everything in this chapter is also made up (except maybe a few things but for the most part yeah). Anyway this is my first story I'm actually publishing it so,


Everyone knew that women had to go through the process of hell every month. Cramp after cramp, pad after pad, it would never end (that is until a week went by). Men never understood these cycles and often said that women were dramatic. Well, all that changed when one guy had gone through the process of a cycle called heat. I...

Travel Restrictions

A couple is told their passports are not valid

October 5th, 2022 by The_Jedi_Half-Blood
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Rose leaned on the railing of the small yacht, serenely watching the shoreline drift closer and closer. Stretching upright she spun and made her way up to the bridge of the ship.
“We are almost at the French border!” Rose exclaimed to her husband Frank who was navigating the vessel.
Frank turned to her with a smile, “Exciting right? Who would have
thought it would take so long for us to get the proper paperwork to travel across the channel.”
“How soon until we arrive?” Rose questioned while bounding over to the large window.
“About a half hour, it shouldn’t take too long to get through customs. So we should be able to find a nice restaurant to eat at tonight.”
“Well I’ll go get ...

Travel Restrictions

A couple is told their passports are not valid

October 5th, 2022 by The_Jedi_Half-Blood
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Rose leaned on the railing of the small yacht, serenely watching the shoreline drift closer and closer. Stretching upright she spins and makes her way up to the bridge of the ship.
“We are almost at the French border!” Rose exclaims to her husband Frank who is navigating the vessel.
Frank turns to her with a smile, “Exciting right? Who would have
thought it would take so long for us to get the proper paperwork to travel across the channel.”
“How soon until we arrive?” Rose questions while bounding over to the large window.
“About a half hour, it shouldn’t take too long to get through customs. So we should be able to find a nice restaurant to eat at tonight.”
“Well I’ll go get re...

Running Away

Feeling caged, young Clover leaves their home.

September 3rd, 2022 by GlitchedSalvation
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Pain. All that registered to Clover was pain. An intense throbbing in their right ankle, accompanied by spears of agony with the slightest pressure. But they had to keep moving, no matter how much it hurt to move.

Clover, a small, scared preteen with short, curly brown hair and green eyes, couldn't turn back now. With only the stars to guide them, they
limped farther and farther from the crumbling brick house that they had lived in for all of their life.

They used to love it there, with their old tree fort and the creek back in the woods, but lately it had felt more and more like a prison. A prison that they yearned to leave, to escape the crushing hold of their mother. You see, Amelie had no idea how muc...

Attraction, Infatuation or Love?

teenage life(ch-1)

August 24th, 2022 by lazypanda
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Growing up in an Asian county seems quite hard. Well, this mostly depends on how each individual thinks about this. What about the teenage girls? How do they feel?
Most of the girls are taught not to fall for any guy at their sweet 16 till their graduation! On a positive note its good to focus on the carrier. But how can you help yourself if you are in
love at your 17.
Love? Or its just about behaving nice with one of her classmate! Ayat seems to be confuse about her feelings. How can she be sure that this is her true love? People in love always want to be together but she doesn't want to be in a relation right at this moment! So, is this attraction, infatuation or love?...

Attraction, Infatuation or Love?

teenage life(ch-1)

August 24th, 2022 by lazypanda
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Growing up in an Asian county seems quite hard. Well, this mostly depends on how each individual thinks about this. What about the teenage girls? How do they feel?
Most of the girls are taught not to fall for any guy at their sweet 16 till their graduation! On a positive note its good to focus on the carrier. But how can you help yourself if you are in
love at your 17.
Love? Or its just about behaving nice with one of her classmate! Ayat seems to be confuse about her feelings. How can she be sure that this is her true love? People in love always want to be together but she doesn't want to be in a relation right at this moment! So, is this attraction, infatuation or love?...

Benefits of CDR Report Writing

cdr writing services

August 24th, 2022 by cdr writer1
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The full type of CDR is a Competency Demonstration Report. A report characterizes that the abilities and information on a specific designing understudy satisfies the Australian guidelines. A report is examined by the surveying authority before they enroll an understudy. The CDR must report is composed accurately on the grounds that in light of this single
record it would be dissected whether the designer is good for the specific work or not. For unfamiliar understudies who wish to take up a task as an CDR Engineers Australiathis CDR reports concludes regardless of whether they would be allowed to get moved to Australia. The center archive assists you with getting an Aust...

Hide and Seek With A Deadly Twist

A action-packed mysterious romance novel for 12+

August 7th, 2022 by sroser
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Kiara Hart

Hi. My name is Kiara, and I’m 16. I live on Blood Rose Island, named for its native poisonous roses. This is part of my story… our family’s story, the part where I found out my mom was alive… and more.

This morning, I woke up feeling melancholy and miserable. I had always felt that way, since age 4. You see, my mother disappeared
when I was 4. The only thing I have left of her is the picture in my locket. As for my father, he works all the time. I literally almost never see him. At all. Growing up, my three older-by-a-minute siblings took care of me. Charlie, Alex, and Ari (short for Arianna) are a minute older than the other, Ari bIang the oldest. Charlie’s nex, then Alex, then me....

Were Nothing Roams

The first book to My Paradise

December 14th, 2021 by ITSmeONCEagain
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The Sun rose on the desert as the darkness that consumed it ran in safety. The waters that once rushed there were now dead and silent,the leaves that would fall to the ground and the trees that would stand tall were dead too. All you could see were the waves of sand that would never move,you could feel the pain in your feet as they stabbed you.You
could taste nothing but sand and pain in your throat screaming for water.You could feel the sun's heat beating you and pushing you down.
You feel the sun's heat suck every inch of energy out of you. The whole day is like this until the sun rests on the horizon, and the rabbit face moon comes and wakes up the animals. The moon's soft light shines as the darkne...

Boy and the Bear

lost in the forest

November 10th, 2021 by Tim
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Somewhere there’s a cave in a white forest. Small prints cover ground through the trees from somewhere... searching. These prints lead to a boy. He is looking for the cave. He has mossy hair that clings to his head despite its burnt ends. He is naked. He waddles and his feet burn, but a wide smile imprints itself upon him despite the blisters beginning to
form. He is weak and, having only learned to walk moments ago, falls often. Every once and a while the wind whistles down through the trees cutting at the boy’s skin. The prints turn red.
When enough time has passed the trees become sparse and green pokes through the white. The boy shivers, but not from the cold. He sees the cave and it towers above him ...

The Ghastly Guest House

A guest house with haunted aura

November 4th, 2021 by Pavan747
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Four friends chalk out a plan for a picnic on holiday and encounter an unprecedented incident in their lives. It was a pleasant Sunday morning when all the four-step out of their homes to enjoy the beauty of nature. After a grueling journey, they plan to languid in some guest house as the dusk had set in and find a decent one at last. One of the friends,
Rocky becomes rambunctious on seeing the guest house and insists on a midnight sojourn so that they could invigorate themselves and head on for a journey in the dawn. The moment they enter the house, the receptionist gives a warm welcome with a broad smile and registers their names. But Alex, who is a brother of Rocky, gives a dubious stare at the receptionist ...

Scene 1

A dark, empty street at night

October 15th, 2021 by TiredHuman
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The stars twinkled in the night sky, as cold and distant as ever. I stumbled. The city around me bathed in shadows, I skipped down the cracked cobblestone road; avoiding the swirls of inky darkness that pooled beneath the buildings. My steps echoed along the streets like gunshots, the tak, takity TAK tak disrupting the stifling silence. I let out a long
breath. A plastic film was being tightened over everything, stretching over my skin, my ears, my nose, mymouthmyeyesmyhead—ohGODICAN'T B-R-E-A-T-H-E—I let out a long breath. I let out a long breath!

The watery darkness slid along the path and stuck to my shoes like honey, caking their soles and leaving black footprints behind me. I kept walking.

It wa...


oh no Bob is mad and he is like so mad bro

September 29th, 2021 by SophiaWilliams56777
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Chapter one:

Sophia walked on the plain grass [insert very detailed description on how she walked on the plain grass]

She then saw BOB who will be relevant to the story but you don’t know it yet. Yay the text is bigger. Sophia walked to Bob and proceeded to say the following things:

“Hello, I’m Sophia.”
“That’s mean.”
“Women are stupid.”
“Have you seen the weather today?”
“Writing is a meaningless hobby of a bunch of delusional people that try to imitate real life but end up failing as they miserably fall to the bottom and try to work themselves up again only to fall once again.”
“I like pie.”
“Screw you.”

Bob proceeded to sl...
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