Read & Write Adventure Stories


jonas joyce biography


July 14th, 2024 by jayjo767
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Biography of Jonas Joyce: literary genius and author of Ulysses
Jonas Joyce is an Irish writer, one of the greatest wordsmiths of the 20th century, whose work had a significant influence on the development of literature. Born 2 February 1882 in Dublin. Since childhood, he showed amazing abilities for literary creativity, writing poetry and short

Early life and education
Joyce attended Clontaire School, then Belvedere College and then St Clement's College. During his studies, he showed himself to be a talented student who was interested in literature, philosophy and languages.

After graduating from university, Joyce moved to Paris, where he worked as an English teacher and was also engaged in li...

joseph jordison biography


July 14th, 2024 by jayjo767
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Biography and inventions of Joseph Jordison
Joseph Jordison is an outstanding American inventor whose works have had a significant influence on the development of modern technology. Born into a modest family in 1950 in Michigan. Since childhood, he was distinguished by curiosity and the desire to understand the world. From an early age he showed an interest
in mechanics and electronics, which laid the foundation for his future inventions.

First steps in science
After receiving his education in engineering, Joseph Jordison began working for a large technology company, where he was able to demonstrate his potential. Thanks to his intelligence and resourcefulness, he quickly moved up the career ladder, becomi...



June 15th, 2024 by Sony
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I just, smoke

I don’t bitch around

Or tell lies

I never said

That I am wise

I don’t break homes

No, that’s not my style

I have never been loved

But it's alright

I am not pretty

I am not special

I don’t even speak my mind

Interference in others' life

For me, it’s a waste of time

I don’t argue or

Peace be with you

Silence is what I like

I just, smoke

And in every puff tears I hide.


mans first love

how we know love

February 23rd, 2024 by ali
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Once upon a time, a shy boy was born, bringing immense joy to his family and neighbours . Little did they know, the boy grew up facing challenges with communication. However, even when he couldn't speak much, a divine system ensured he received help, guiding him through his early years. By the age of two, the boy began to talk properly, finding solace and
comfort in his mother's presence. She was his world, his source of peace and security. He felt incomplete without her, deeply affected by her occasional scolding. This connection solidified the boy's understanding of love, its purity, value, and trust. He saw his mother as his guardian, entrusted by a benevolent God to nurture him and guide his emotional devel...

The Quantum Leap: Navigating the Fr

The quantum leap

February 9th, 2024 by israeltor
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In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, one innovation stands out as a game-changer: quantum computing. As we tiptoe into the era of quantum supremacy, the implications for computing power, data processing, and problem-solving are nothing short of revolutionary.

In my recent exploration of quantum computing, I was enthralled by the intricate dance
of qubits and the promise they hold for solving complex problems that traditional computers could only dream of addressing. Quantum bits, or qubits, have the unique ability to exist in multiple states simultaneously, paving the way for unprecedented computational capabilities.

One of the most intriguing aspects of quantum computing is its potential impact ...

top ten my projects

top ten future projects for good future.

February 3rd, 2024 by jayjo1
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laptop gaming smart watch.
1. "Laptop Computer: Smart Watch" "Portable Computer: Smart Watches" is a modern, informative and practical guide that will help readers understand the rapidly developing world of smartwatches. This book provides comprehensive information necessary to understand the technologies, functions and capabilities of smartwatches. The
author takes readers on a fascinating journey through the history of the development of portable computers, from the first prototypes to modern devices. It looks at important technological aspects such as processor power, battery capacity, operating systems and smartwatch design. The main focus is on the functionality of the smartwatch. The author explores a wi...

When tears turn to laughter

A whimsical journey of self-discovery, sending

November 11th, 2023 by obarof
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Letting go has been like navigating an obstacle course of emotions, and trust me, it's been a wild ride. Picture this: I cried so much that my tears and laughter had a dance party. I'm not entirely sure if that makes any logical sense, but hey, feelings aren't always known for their stellar reasoning.

I cared, and when I say cared, I mean I had a PhD in
caring. Turns out, caring too much is like signing up for a rollercoaster with no safety harness—it led me down a dark and twisty path. Lesson learned: caring is cool, but caring about the wrong person? Ouch. It's like giving your heart a crash course in extreme sports.

Ever cared for someone who couldn't care less about you? Talk about a one-sided love ...

The Broken Record of Alice Charlton

Alice can turn back time, but can't control it.

August 11th, 2023 by DarkKupyd
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I felt my stomach drop. The large mastiff-turned-zombie charged the iron screen door. There was a slight crack from the frame as the dog slammed into it a second time. I hurriedly locked the front door, grateful for the screened one. My fingers trembled as I tugged the curtains close.

My breath was the only one I could hear. I turned to look at the man I
had ushered inside. He was a wild man, much older. I saw my father in his face and paused. The man stood his ground, a rifle pointed at the front door. The bite marks of the dog were visible on the handguard.

My mind had me frozen, imagining this man turned to pieces in my front yard had I not let him in. Then I realized the silence extended to this space...

Hold my hands

Submission 4 - Boy's Thoughts

June 17th, 2023 by Someone
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As I sat in the cold bus seat, my brother, as usual, ignored me. I couldn't help but wonder why we looked so different. Maybe I was adopted. Knowing you have someone to turn to when things go wrong is a strangely comforting thought. I often think about love and what it must feel like, but I can never quite put my finger on it. When she smiles, it's like my
whole body smiles with her. She's just a friend, but there could be something more there. Most of my conversations with my parents revolve around why algebra was invented; it's the only chance I get to talk with them aside from discussing school grades. I know what I must do to secure my future - eliminate any competition. Fewer distractions mean more chances...

Hold my Hands

Submission 3 - Girl's Thoughts

June 17th, 2023 by Someone
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I can't help but wonder how actors feel when they have to fake their lives just to please their fans. You know, pretending to be in love with the protagonist of their series; it all seems so fake. It's funny because all I ever wanted was to confess my feelings for the protagonist, but instead, I feel lost and confused. I'm the side character, or the backup,
always waiting in the wings. Sometimes when I'm stressed, I stare at random things, like these leather bus seats. The smooth greyish-brown texture, almost like an elephant's skin mixed with oil, reminds me of how I feel when I finish repairing my parents' car. When I started school, a girl asked me to sit beside her. She was so direct, with soft skin and big...

Hold my hands

Submission 2 - Boy's Introduction

June 17th, 2023 by Someone
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Starting a new school year is always exciting, but this year feels like a whole new world just waiting to be explored, like a video game with levels to conquer, each offering the chance to showcase courage, strength, and kindness. I'm determined to make the most of this opportunity; my story is pretty sweet, and girls fall for me. Watching their crushes
crumble and acting innocent makes it all the sweeter. I live by taking what I want and leaving the rest behind, but no one knows. I might have had a momentary crush but quickly shrugged it off; romance is for fools. My focus is solely on myself, and today, I want to keep track of everything; each girl I play with, where it all began, how I became so perfect, and...

Hold my hands

Submission 1 - Girl's Introduction

June 17th, 2023 by Someone
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Every story has a beginning, whether in a park or on the road. However, in my case, my story is complex and hard to understand. I never imagined that my experiences with someone named Aras would affect me so profoundly. Whenever I thought of Aras, I felt nothing but hatred. I couldn't shake off the anger, and it caused me to feel weak and powerless. It was
like a feather being crushed by passersby on a hot day, but my pain was even more severe. Everything started on the first day of high school orientation, which was a fresh start for me after struggling with my past. I was excited about making new friends and put all my effort into achieving this goal. However, I met someone who hurt me so profoundly that it s...


Poetry of Alexis karpouzos

December 23rd, 2022 by alexis_karpouzos
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The tears of a child, the pain of a mother! A heart full of memories of a dead father! Here's so much sorrow, in every eye. Nothing but hurt left here, Nothing but bullets, pain, misery and shattered dreams …. Yet for the children of world only one equation counts: their shared humanity.

We will gather together as brothers, We will gather together as
brothers. and we will live in solidarity with others in this world, we are the thirsty souls of a world without divisions. If we merge mercy with might and might with right, then love becomes our legacy and change, our children's birth right. Let's step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid and don't trust any immortalist. The dove will find a resting place!...


Poetry of Alexis karpouzos

December 23rd, 2022 by alexis_karpouzos
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When day comes we ask ourselves where can we find light in this never ending shade? The loss we carry, a ocean we must wade. We braved the belly of the beast. I have seen you in millions of places. I met you in a million forms. We met among the ruins, the ashes and the bones, we lost them all, but we found each other, I saw your lion heart, and it pulled me.
I saw the creation and the destruction in your eyes. I see you here in the mud, on the rock, in the rays of the rising sun. We are Dead and alive, we saw a thousand Christs go by As they went up to Calvary but The dove it found no resting place. You were where our solar system was formed, you whispered something to me for eternal love and then you fell from...


A poem of Alexis karpouzos

December 23rd, 2022 by alexis_karpouzos
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Loneliness, Emotional pain, walks with us through the day,
and sleeps with us through the night,
Tears that is not visible to the naked eye,
silent screams that no one can hear,
feeling of relentless distress,
Trapped with nowhere to turn,
life is changing beyond our control,
someone else is pulling the strings,
causing this deep ache in the bottom
of our soul.
but remember, for every soul there is a soul that touches yours –
Be it the slightest contact –
always there is a gleam of faith in the darkening sky;
always there is a glimpse of brigther skies
To brave the thickening ills of life;
To make this life worthwhile....

Travel Restrictions

A couple is told their passports are not valid

October 5th, 2022 by The_Jedi_Half-Blood
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Rose leaned on the railing of the small yacht, serenely watching the shoreline drift closer and closer. Stretching upright she spun and made her way up to the bridge of the ship.
“We are almost at the French border!” Rose exclaimed to her husband Frank who was navigating the vessel.
Frank turned to her with a smile, “Exciting right? Who would have
thought it would take so long for us to get the proper paperwork to travel across the channel.”
“How soon until we arrive?” Rose questioned while bounding over to the large window.
“About a half hour, it shouldn’t take too long to get through customs. So we should be able to find a nice restaurant to eat at tonight.”
“Well I’ll go get ...
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