Read & Write Drama Stories for Free




June 15th, 2024 by Sony
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I just, smoke

I don’t bitch around

Or tell lies

I never said

That I am wise

I don’t break homes

No, that’s not my style

I have never been loved

But it's alright

I am not pretty

I am not special

I don’t even speak my mind

Interference in others' life

For me, it’s a waste of time

I don’t argue or

Peace be with you

Silence is what I like

I just, smoke

And in every puff tears I hide.


Walking Principles

Three different worlds one one common denominator

June 8th, 2024 by VagabondLee
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"Good morning Mother and Father." Corliss beams, getting their attention.

"Good morning Corliss." Branson says in a booming yet elegant non-rhotic northern Mississippi accent, lowering his newspaper.

"Good morning darling," Faith says warmly in a Western Virginia accent before some sausage in her mouth.

"How are you guys this morning?"
Corliss asks going to sit at the tail of the table.

"Excited, it's your first day of your senior year of high school!" Faith beams clasping her hands together.

"It's also the first day of the rest of your life. What you've accomplished from your sophomore year until now will count greatly against you moving forward. You also need to start thinking about ...

The Genesis: A Love Story

The Arrival

November 28th, 2023 by Edmund
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Our pearl-white Jeep Rubicon rental had struggled to conquer its steep and winding task, but here we were, alive, oh so alive. The wheels loudly munched the frozen gravel driveway as we approached the front of the countryside cabin where the spongy porch lighting sympathetically revealed the massive Ponderosa logs encasing the exterior. It was close to 9
p.m. The eerily dark evening concealed the surrounding mountainous terrain of the Cherokee National Forrest.

Until today, all of our interactions occurred via the dating site eharmony and the social media platform Facebook as well as Skype, Apple’s FaceTime, and, of course, text messaging. We started our E romance about a year ago, Kathy is from Tampa, F...

When tears turn to laughter

A whimsical journey of self-discovery, sending

November 11th, 2023 by obarof
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Letting go has been like navigating an obstacle course of emotions, and trust me, it's been a wild ride. Picture this: I cried so much that my tears and laughter had a dance party. I'm not entirely sure if that makes any logical sense, but hey, feelings aren't always known for their stellar reasoning.

I cared, and when I say cared, I mean I had a PhD in
caring. Turns out, caring too much is like signing up for a rollercoaster with no safety harness—it led me down a dark and twisty path. Lesson learned: caring is cool, but caring about the wrong person? Ouch. It's like giving your heart a crash course in extreme sports.

Ever cared for someone who couldn't care less about you? Talk about a one-sided love ...

The Friend of Collin McCormick

Collin is either really observant or supernatural.

August 11th, 2023 by DarkKupyd
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I suspect my childhood friend is a mind reader. He always knows what to say to me or what I'm thinking before I even think it. Like out in the hallway a few minutes ago. I was reading a poster for theater auditions when-

"You should stick with the yearbook." Collin had magically appeared beside me from the throng of students. He rested his arm on my
shoulder. I shoved him off.

"It's senior year. Let me do something fun. Something exciting!" I protested with glee.

Jasmine Kim, a notorious gossiper chuckled from beside me. I didn't like her. She chewed too loud and was flat-out mean. Her rudeness was often mistaken as sarcasm by everyone so she was a bit of a social butterfly. We bumped into each other f...


A look in the phsychological thoughts of bullies.

April 11th, 2023 by swilson
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The Secrets Behind The Masks We Wear

However there was a darkness hidden beneath all of the smiles and masks that near everyone wore. Secrets that no one thought to explore because what's the point? Their parents are rich and they put on the perfect mask to hide their darker intentions. In reality they got their thrills by tearing down others and
watching them suffer in a sick and twisted way. If you dared to look into the past and uncover the secrets that they had so feebly hidden you would be surprised. Nothing happens without a reason and here? It was usually fueled by someone's bad intentions. What kind of things could a teenager possibly do that could cause so much damage? Well as we would later find o...


An MHA story

January 2nd, 2023 by Purple
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*this chapter is about Deku being on a male version of a women’s cycle called heat. It may contain cuss words, violence, and may be a little cringe (sorry). Everything in this chapter is also made up (except maybe a few things but for the most part yeah). Anyway this is my first story I'm actually publishing it so,


Everyone knew that women had to go through the process of hell every month. Cramp after cramp, pad after pad, it would never end (that is until a week went by). Men never understood these cycles and often said that women were dramatic. Well, all that changed when one guy had gone through the process of a cycle called heat. I...

Goddess of Ice

An aloof, untrusting girl

December 26th, 2022 by Angeline
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Some call me crazy. And honestly? I don’t blame them.
Some call be cranky, a bad-tempered bat with a barrel-load of spite kept inside the boundaries of my heart. That is, if they thought I had one. Some would argue that I’m more aloof rather than mean—when they kiss my cheeks with warmth from their lips, they freeze from the unbearable
Others, they call be spiteful. A slut. A player who moves on from boy to boy.
But that’s not who I am. At least, not entirely.
I’m Maddie Johnson. Contrary to popular beliefs, I do have a heart, with which I will spin the golden straw for this story. What I am about to tell you will be unlike any other story you’ve known.


Poetry of Alexis karpouzos

December 23rd, 2022 by alexis_karpouzos
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When day comes we ask ourselves where can we find light in this never ending shade? The loss we carry, a ocean we must wade. We braved the belly of the beast. I have seen you in millions of places. I met you in a million forms. We met among the ruins, the ashes and the bones, we lost them all, but we found each other, I saw your lion heart, and it pulled me.
I saw the creation and the destruction in your eyes. I see you here in the mud, on the rock, in the rays of the rising sun. We are Dead and alive, we saw a thousand Christs go by As they went up to Calvary but The dove it found no resting place. You were where our solar system was formed, you whispered something to me for eternal love and then you fell from...


A poem of Alexis karpouzos

December 23rd, 2022 by alexis_karpouzos
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Loneliness, Emotional pain, walks with us through the day,
and sleeps with us through the night,
Tears that is not visible to the naked eye,
silent screams that no one can hear,
feeling of relentless distress,
Trapped with nowhere to turn,
life is changing beyond our control,
someone else is pulling the strings,
causing this deep ache in the bottom
of our soul.
but remember, for every soul there is a soul that touches yours –
Be it the slightest contact –
always there is a gleam of faith in the darkening sky;
always there is a glimpse of brigther skies
To brave the thickening ills of life;
To make this life worthwhile....

Tomorrow is another day

A bachelor business man looking for love

December 13th, 2022 by Francys Wagner
Francys Wagner
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There was a time when that rain falling outside had been a threat. A reason to worry.
A fear that the poor houses on the outskirts would be flooded if the nearby stream overflowed, invading the houses with its dirty water, destroying the few modest belongings of its residents. 
Sitting comfortably in the living room, watching the rain through the large
window, with a drink in his hand, his thoughts travel back in time. It comes in his mind, the memory of her mother's suffering face, with early wrinkles, accentuated even more by the concern for the three children she was raising alone.
His alcoholic father had gone out one night and never come back. His body was found lying in the gutter. Over a long time...

It All Rolls Downhill

a person with memory loss caused the apocalypse

October 26th, 2022 by sauersa
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“I don’t know what I did, but I’m pretty sure I was a part of the end of the world. Or not the end of the world, that’s pretty dramatic, but whatever you’d call…”, he waved his hand around vaguely, “this.”
“...Somebody thinks they’re important. Word to the wise, I don’t think that’s the kind of thing that’s going to get you a
free meal or a roof over your head. I think it’s the kind of thing that gets you a tin-foil hat and a stay at a psychiatric ward. Huh, okay, so what do you know a roof and food. Guess I was wrong. Still that’s putting a lot of faith in other people.”

Travel Restrictions

A couple is told their passports are not valid

October 5th, 2022 by The_Jedi_Half-Blood
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Rose leaned on the railing of the small yacht, serenely watching the shoreline drift closer and closer. Stretching upright she spins and makes her way up to the bridge of the ship.
“We are almost at the French border!” Rose exclaims to her husband Frank who is navigating the vessel.
Frank turns to her with a smile, “Exciting right? Who would have
thought it would take so long for us to get the proper paperwork to travel across the channel.”
“How soon until we arrive?” Rose questions while bounding over to the large window.
“About a half hour, it shouldn’t take too long to get through customs. So we should be able to find a nice restaurant to eat at tonight.”
“Well I’ll go get re...

Running Away

Feeling caged, young Clover leaves their home.

September 3rd, 2022 by GlitchedSalvation
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Pain. All that registered to Clover was pain. An intense throbbing in their right ankle, accompanied by spears of agony with the slightest pressure. But they had to keep moving, no matter how much it hurt to move.

Clover, a small, scared preteen with short, curly brown hair and green eyes, couldn't turn back now. With only the stars to guide them, they
limped farther and farther from the crumbling brick house that they had lived in for all of their life.

They used to love it there, with their old tree fort and the creek back in the woods, but lately it had felt more and more like a prison. A prison that they yearned to leave, to escape the crushing hold of their mother. You see, Amelie had no idea how muc...

Importance of Resume

Resume is very important for job

September 2nd, 2022 by resumewriter
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The resume goes about as a scaffold among you and the imminent selection representative. Thus the significance of a resume can never be undervalued. In this way, to establish the principal connection, it is basic that your resume stands apart from the group first. Resume writing servicescan help you to prepare
better resume.It ultimately depends on you how would you like to be recollected by the recruiting administrator? Since organizations don't have that much measure of time to meet with every single up-and-comer, they require resumes from possibility to choose the best ones to work with them.

Dismissal occurs, and it continues forever until they find somethi...

Attraction, Infatuation or Love?

teenage life(ch-1)

August 24th, 2022 by lazypanda
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Growing up in an Asian county seems quite hard. Well, this mostly depends on how each individual thinks about this. What about the teenage girls? How do they feel?
Most of the girls are taught not to fall for any guy at their sweet 16 till their graduation! On a positive note its good to focus on the carrier. But how can you help yourself if you are in
love at your 17.
Love? Or its just about behaving nice with one of her classmate! Ayat seems to be confuse about her feelings. How can she be sure that this is her true love? People in love always want to be together but she doesn't want to be in a relation right at this moment! So, is this attraction, infatuation or love?...
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