Read & Write Comedy Stories


jonas joyce biography


July 14th, 2024 by jayjo767
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Biography of Jonas Joyce: literary genius and author of Ulysses
Jonas Joyce is an Irish writer, one of the greatest wordsmiths of the 20th century, whose work had a significant influence on the development of literature. Born 2 February 1882 in Dublin. Since childhood, he showed amazing abilities for literary creativity, writing poetry and short

Early life and education
Joyce attended Clontaire School, then Belvedere College and then St Clement's College. During his studies, he showed himself to be a talented student who was interested in literature, philosophy and languages.

After graduating from university, Joyce moved to Paris, where he worked as an English teacher and was also engaged in li...

The Friend of Collin McCormick

Collin is either really observant or supernatural.

August 11th, 2023 by DarkKupyd
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I suspect my childhood friend is a mind reader. He always knows what to say to me or what I'm thinking before I even think it. Like out in the hallway a few minutes ago. I was reading a poster for theater auditions when-

"You should stick with the yearbook." Collin had magically appeared beside me from the throng of students. He rested his arm on my
shoulder. I shoved him off.

"It's senior year. Let me do something fun. Something exciting!" I protested with glee.

Jasmine Kim, a notorious gossiper chuckled from beside me. I didn't like her. She chewed too loud and was flat-out mean. Her rudeness was often mistaken as sarcasm by everyone so she was a bit of a social butterfly. We bumped into each other f...

Goddess of Ice

An aloof, untrusting girl

December 26th, 2022 by Angeline
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Some call me crazy. And honestly? I don’t blame them.
Some call be cranky, a bad-tempered bat with a barrel-load of spite kept inside the boundaries of my heart. That is, if they thought I had one. Some would argue that I’m more aloof rather than mean—when they kiss my cheeks with warmth from their lips, they freeze from the unbearable
Others, they call be spiteful. A slut. A player who moves on from boy to boy.
But that’s not who I am. At least, not entirely.
I’m Maddie Johnson. Contrary to popular beliefs, I do have a heart, with which I will spin the golden straw for this story. What I am about to tell you will be unlike any other story you’ve known.

On that night

A love that began in a pub

December 14th, 2022 by Francys Wagner
Francys Wagner
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"I know you..." she says approaching the man sitting on one of the stools along the pub counter.
"You're wrong, we don't know each other...," he blurts out.
"I've seen you here other times..."
"That may be, but I've never seen you, okay?". He nudges her slightly as she's leaning into him, looking at him with eyes squeezed shut like a myopic's.
off balance, she passes her arms across her body, striking an awkward pose, as she says in a slurred voice affected by high alcohol intake.
"My name is Barbara, but you can call me Barbie, you know, like the doll..." She winks at him.
"You don't even look like a Barbie..." he thinks and lets out a giggle.
He tries to ignore her and sips his drink, but she ...

It All Rolls Downhill

a person with memory loss caused the apocalypse

October 26th, 2022 by sauersa
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“I don’t know what I did, but I’m pretty sure I was a part of the end of the world. Or not the end of the world, that’s pretty dramatic, but whatever you’d call…”, he waved his hand around vaguely, “this.”
“...Somebody thinks they’re important. Word to the wise, I don’t think that’s the kind of thing that’s going to get you a
free meal or a roof over your head. I think it’s the kind of thing that gets you a tin-foil hat and a stay at a psychiatric ward. Huh, okay, so what do you know a roof and food. Guess I was wrong. Still that’s putting a lot of faith in other people.”

Travel Restrictions

A couple is told their passports are not valid

October 5th, 2022 by The_Jedi_Half-Blood
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Rose leaned on the railing of the small yacht, serenely watching the shoreline drift closer and closer. Stretching upright she spun and made her way up to the bridge of the ship.
“We are almost at the French border!” Rose exclaimed to her husband Frank who was navigating the vessel.
Frank turned to her with a smile, “Exciting right? Who would have
thought it would take so long for us to get the proper paperwork to travel across the channel.”
“How soon until we arrive?” Rose questioned while bounding over to the large window.
“About a half hour, it shouldn’t take too long to get through customs. So we should be able to find a nice restaurant to eat at tonight.”
“Well I’ll go get ...

Travel Restrictions

A couple is told their passports are not valid

October 5th, 2022 by The_Jedi_Half-Blood
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Rose leaned on the railing of the small yacht, serenely watching the shoreline drift closer and closer. Stretching upright she spins and makes her way up to the bridge of the ship.
“We are almost at the French border!” Rose exclaims to her husband Frank who is navigating the vessel.
Frank turns to her with a smile, “Exciting right? Who would have
thought it would take so long for us to get the proper paperwork to travel across the channel.”
“How soon until we arrive?” Rose questions while bounding over to the large window.
“About a half hour, it shouldn’t take too long to get through customs. So we should be able to find a nice restaurant to eat at tonight.”
“Well I’ll go get re...

The Problem with Immortality

A kid realizes he is immortal.

September 13th, 2022 by AnderHearn
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"This is ridiculous." I said as I pulled what looked to be a knife out of my chest. I mean, this really is ridiculous. All of my so-called friends were laughing hysterically. I mean, just because I am immortal doesn't mean you can shove knives in my chest! I've had enough! I am gonna tell them to leave me alone and to stop trying to..."Oh! You guys are real
jerks!" Someone just shot me!

"Oh, don't be mad, man. We are making some really good content here! We already got a few likes."

"How would you guys like it if I stabbed you in the chest or shot you in the back of the head?"

"Uh, dude, we'd be dead and you'd be in jail for the rest of your natural life, which is eternity."

Why did I tell anyone I ...

Importance of Resume

Resume is very important for job

September 2nd, 2022 by resumewriter
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The resume goes about as a scaffold among you and the imminent selection representative. Thus the significance of a resume can never be undervalued. In this way, to establish the principal connection, it is basic that your resume stands apart from the group first. Resume writing servicescan help you to prepare
better resume.It ultimately depends on you how would you like to be recollected by the recruiting administrator? Since organizations don't have that much measure of time to meet with every single up-and-comer, they require resumes from possibility to choose the best ones to work with them.

Dismissal occurs, and it continues forever until they find somethi...

content writing

content writing services

August 24th, 2022 by bibek12
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Provides different services like content writing...


A woman searches for what's left of her heart.

August 11th, 2022 by ALoveofStories
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Finding herself heartbroken, alone, and filled with questions, a woman ventured out to seek the remaining pieces of her heart, for her once seemingly long-lasting-almost-forever relationship came to an abrupt ending which left her questioning love and what it meant if it gave nothing but heartache in the process. She sought out love where she least would
think to find it, seeing as how she chose locations that were not her comfort zones to begin with. She began in search at a bar which only gave her drunken loves that left her sadder than she had been. Her next spot were raves that left her drained, for an energetic partner was too much for her introverted soul to handle, not to mention the constant loud music ...

A Tale Among Tales

An adventure with a rather mundane beginning...

March 1st, 2022 by TiredHuman
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If the vast amounts of stories shared through songs and texts of old truly exemplified the nature of tragedy and destiny, one would be forced to conclude that all great adventure begins a cold, dark, stormy night. The severity of the weather, of course, would ominously prophesize the chaos to be unleashed, wrecking the right amount of surrounding structures
to strike any observer with the appropriate amount of apprehension.

A mysterious character would unearth a cryptic prophecy to precisely the WRONG people, leaving the night to invariably end with a terse promise of bloodshed. Cold, frightened, and terribly hopeful, the meek people overhearing their future salvation would silently await their golden hero t...

You are a.


January 5th, 2022 by devandelfano
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You are an alien who just landed on Earth. You have no food, no house, no money, and 2 humans looking down on you with a smile. They claim to be your parents but you know that you came from outer-space.

Years passed and you notice that the other aliens are experiencing what you do. Your spaceship is waiting for you to destroy humanity, your parents are
at home watching TV, and your girlfriend is cheating on you. ...

Dear diary

A story about a girl that was the odd one

December 23rd, 2021 by storrytellerelly
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Hello,i am Nina and i am 22 years old.This is my story.
As i am finishing college life, i have to choose what the next chapter of my life is going to be and it has been very uncertain for me,because unlike my other friends i don't know what i want to become. Other's have chosen their paths,but me,so i feel odd....

? I do not have a title yet pt.5 ?

you have to read it.

December 20th, 2021 by Agmiller2025
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Ms. West led her to a black van with a sun like the one on her shirt and on the side, it said Laketown treatment center. Ms. West took her bag and placed it in the back seat and gestured for her to get in the passenger side seat.
On the ride to the center, Haper just looked out the window and watched the cars whiz by. They looked like they were going 100
miles a minute. She turns her head and sees that Ms.West keeps glancing at her. She looks and her and says,
“ What?” Ms.West looks at her and smiles,
“ You are going to love the girl that you are sharing a room with, She is super nice and pretty far into treatment so she will be a good person to talk to,” Harper rolled her eyes and looked back out ...

? I do not have a title yet pt.4 ?

you have to read it.

December 20th, 2021 by Agmiller2025
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“ I don’t know, I just forget to eat sometimes,” Harper said, still looking at the ceiling. Dr. Matt handed her a paper, the top of the paper said ‘ED DETECTION TEST’. Harper looked at the doctor and laughed a little.
“ Really, an eating disorder test? What do you think I am? The poster tumbled an anorexic girl?” She said,
“ Just fill it
out, please. Oh and please be honest, we are just trying to help and see why you fainted,” Dr. Matt said. Harper looked at him and he held out a pen for her. She looked at the questions and didn’t see anything odd. Yes I count calories, yes I exercise a lot, yes I avoid certain foods. What’s wrong with that? She handed the paperback and he looked over.
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