
Kickoff written by Cameron

So he recognized me

Very much based on LGBT

So at the start, it was just some mates and suddenly it turned into over 100 people. My parents went away for the weekend so they said I could have a few friends over to hang out. It was the night that the new season of our favourite program premiered and a few of our friends came over to watch it with us. We thought our entire night out and we were so eager to watch it. The bites were on the table and the beer was in a container full of ice close to the table. All of an unexpected guy barged in the door with an enormous keg in his arms. At first, I knew I remembered him from someplace although I couldn't really remember. Suddenly it hit me and it was painful. He swung round and the keg thumped me on the back of the head. But when I got up I remembered where I knew him from. He was my brothers best mate Jake.

I asked Jake what he was doing here and he answered announcing "I'm not sure but your brother text me and told me to come over with lots of beer and people so here I am." After he
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said that a load of people came racing through the door. It was surprisingly really fun, that was until a guy from the city I used to live in. I moved from Allihies 4 years ago for several different reasons but one was because of bullies. As a kid, I was harassed harshly particularly while I was in primary school but once I got into a secondary school, you would think it would get smoother but it just didn't because of this guy, Martin. He made my secondary school adventure terrible and I hated it. I mean he was a year younger than me so I had that one break when I was in my first year but after that it was terrifying. I used to dread leaving for school and couldn't get out of school quick enough. When I saw Martin I began to panic, I was worried he would recognize me. You see I'm transgender and I am 4 years on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRM) and my first operation is only in a few days, 14 to be exact.
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Award this author for the correct use of keywords. The keywords were used well and add a great value to the story.


Award this author for a well-written and beautiful follow-up. The two story parts blend seamlessly together.

Plot twist

Award this author for a very awesome unexpected radical change in the expected direction.
